Monthly Archive: July 2015


Trying to Figure this out

While trying to figure out what to wear on my plan to goto San Diego Pride, before it was a bust. I felt that I needed a new shirt that showed my support to the community as an ally, but is displays a certain harshness, for the next time I decide to go. What came to mind was spray paint across the front of the shirt, so I made the design in photoshop, got a templet image of a shirt to test out what I wanted and had this in mind. Yeah, it was going to take up a lot of the shirt, but that’s what I wanted. It would be kind of look like a sash.

So then I felt it was ready, put it on my typical site, zazzle, and it looked like this. The image on the shirt takes so little area, I can’t deal with that. One idea I was give was make the image bigger, it was already kind go huge but ok, make it bigger and see if there is any kind of effect. Nope, none what so ever. What can I do? So did not expect this problem.

Asking around if anyone knows any sites that will let post it up allowing the image to take up more space I was informed of custom ink, tested that an this is the biggest I can get. Much better but I still think it’s not enough. I’ll figure something out.


Silly Cat

Yeah, this is how I find him sleeping sometimes. Then I scratch his belly and makes him very happy.


Well that Plan is a Bust

I had planned on going down to San Diego today to take part of the Pride parade down there tomorrow morning, and maybe hang out for a little while and head back to my place in the evening. But early this morning my dog got attacked by a raccoon so he had to goto the vet. I decided to not to go down so I can take care of him. The plan was to join in the parade with PFLAG, and they just asked for anyone joining to dress up in as many rainbow colors as they can, and this was going to be my get up.

My RED rollerblades and spiderman socks, my BLUE newgrounds shirt with YELLOW and ORANGE on the logo, a GREEN long sleeve shirt tied around my waist and some PURPLE cloth I got at LA pride 2 years ago when I was with NOH8.

So if anyone of you are in the area and what to join the parade with them, you know what to do.


Gettipede ’15

Yes, after 2 years, it’s finally happening again. Not exactly sure why it didn’t happen last year and I had already believed it wasn’t going to happen again by the time Anime Expo was going on, but it’s nice discover it is going to next week. Lets see how well it goes this year.


That’s Encouraging

I believe I heard about a campaign like this, where people would post this message around where ever they are at in hopes of getting others to feel better about themselves. Honestly, it kind worked with me.


Ogre Sit ups

Strange things you find while playing some games. But hey, don’t want that polygon count to goto high.

E3 Starfox Zero Gameplay 0

E3 Starfox Zero Gameplay

So I played this at the Nintendo booth. The demo had two levels you could play, I played Corneria, and I of course beat it. The controls are kind of weird since you are playing with the game pad, but eventually you’ll figure it out. But yeah, I was way to focused on the game to really say much. Kind of goes to show how much I liked it.


My AX ’15 Cosplay

So yes, I was Loki again. it sucked because of the heavy coat and it was hot, but I did get some nice attention from it. To bad it is so hard to find photos of myself in it. So far I can just find these 3. I know there are some more from other people I know, they just don’t have it online as of yet.

EDIT: got 2 more.


Sleepy Kitty

She is so sweet, but seems to goes through so much. I think something is stressing her out, but her brother is fine and happy as can be. I’ll have to take better care of her and let my kitty know she is important.