Monthly Archive: November 2015


Cat’s can still Float

So, Blizzcon is starting tomorrow. Had I known Bent-Con was going to be canceled for this year I might got myself a pass for that. but, not feeling to great at the moment. Fever and body is sore, and not sure why. Oh well, rest and lots of fluids.


Comikaze ’15 – Day 3 Photos

The final day, I wasn’t in costume this time, because after I got back last night I took a shower to get as much of the makeup and paint off me as possible. Overall, most of the paint came off, but in the morning I noticed some places I missed, and dealt with later, and there was still some remnants of what was drawn on myself and the eyeliner, but I just left that alone because I knew it was going to come off eventually.

I saw a lot of other stuff, met Casper Van Dien and asked how it feels be be back at the starport in (which the convention center was used as in the movie) Starship Troopers. Which to me is one of the best movies of the 90’s. My feet were still in a lot of pain for all that walking i’ve done for the past so many days (last week was rather busy for me to) but it’s always nice being out and covering such a thing.

Sadly, my last convention of the year, because I don’t know of anything till the next. But at least there is still Santacon to look forward to. And don’t forget to see if it’s also happening in your city.

My rest is now over, and I want to know what is next.


WeHo Halloween ’15 – Photos

After I was day with day 2 at Comikaze, I headed to West Hollywood. It was a rather long trip getting over there by metro, and would be nice if there was some kind of subway line going in that direction, but, that’s for another day. I got off the bus about a mile away from the event and walked the rest of the way. I do believe I got to see a lot of things, and like every year, had a mass of people and in some places it was hard to move around because of the crowds. And with luck, it did rain this year like did the last.

After being there for, I want to say at least a few hours, I headed out because after the con, and this giant party, my feet were in so much pain. Plus, I was going back to the convention in the morning. Yet while on my way back, I got on the bus to the red line, found some more people in costume and took more photos. Then got more people on the red line and on my last stretch back to my place.

Best Halloween yet.


Comikaze ’15 – Day 2 Photos

Oh man, Halloween weekend, so much going on in 2 days. More so, on the day of Halloween. The morning started off going to Stan Lee’s Comikaze running into so many cosplayers that I know and enjoy hanging with. this time more of the building was being used up. The years I have been there before just used the south hall, but this time they used a smaller portion of the south hall, but on the other hand also used the entire west hall.

My feet hurt a lot from walking around the place all day, but that wasn’t going to stop me from the next event later on that night, in West Hollywood. I’ll post those later.

But for now, photos from he first day.


Halloween Weekend

Well, After all of that, I am done for these last two days. I started off going to Comikaze on Halloween, then going to west hollywood that night, then back to Comikaze. I went as the Joker on saturday, and i thought it came out nicely. Well, it’s going to take a little while to get all photos up, so brace yourself, but for now, me in my cosplay.