Monthly Archive: October 2016


Skate Rex

While on my way to the Zombie Walk sunday, I saw this guy at the orange line station with this giant ballon animal on his back. He told me it was suppose to be a T.Rex on a skateboard but the tail came off. I was still impressed because I don’t thing i’ve seen a balloon animal so big. He also asked me what was the best way for him to get Venice, which I let him know to reach the expo line to santa monica, and possibly walk the rest of the way.

As the Zombie Walk was coming to an end I found him on Hollywood. He figured it was a better place for him to be as of the moment anyways.


I can Deal with That

Honestly, I felt more connected with Sanders. Maybe it was because how I felt a bit uncomfortable with Hillary and her connections to major financial institutions. But thinking about it as time went on, I do believe she is the best person for the job. Plus, I like how sanders really started something with so many people, and I believe he’s been an influence on her. I also believe he’s going to have a very important role to play once again after the election.

I also have some predictions of what could happen after the election.
On a Hillary win: She will make efforts to work with others. It’s known she has many times in the past, even with those with different political views. Help fight for equal rights for everyone, and make improvements in programs already in place. But, there is also the possibly in an increase in militia groups, being formed out of paranoia of supposed rights being taken away. I’m basing this claim off chatter that I’ve come across and that after Obama came into office there was also a jump in new hate groups and memberships of those already existing because of baseless claims that within an 8 year time period, never happened.

On a Trump win: The guy has been shown to be a pathological liar. I don’t think he is going to keep most of the promises he’s made, that wall isn’t happening. There will be an increase in harassment and hate crimes against minorities, which is what happened after the Brexit was voted in. Protests and possible riots from anti-trump demonstrators who believe he will ruin things. I do remember there were protests and fights breaking out on W. Bush’s inauguration back in 2001, which leads me to believe it can happen again here. And because of my doubts that Trump will do anything, it would case outrage from those who supported him causing them to lash out in possibly the wrong places.

All we can do is just wait and watch, but I really hope everything goes right.


Hollywood ZombieWalk ’16 – Photos

Zombie walk photos are now up. I got there 15 minutes later then I wanted at least, but at that time everyone was still gathering. One person there, she is moving out of state and was her last lurch, so she asked if we can cover her car in blood and record it before everyone went underground. We then got off the red line in hollywood, and since the last time we’ve been there, the intersection at highland is now diagonal, so walking across that street got way more fun. As always, we walked to vine, and back where we hung out in an open area just outside Madame Tussauds.

I wound say for this year there wasn’t as many people. Not sure why, but since had plenty. I ran into some people that were during cicLAvia earlier that day. One person I talked to said she was hoping to find out because they didn’t think they would have time to join in the walk. All good, at least her and her friends had a chance to check it out.

Fun seeing the dead rise, once more.

Planet Earth II 0

Planet Earth II

I remember watching the first one all those years ago, and it was great. Something about these kind of specials that I enjoy, and so much of the footage just seems unreal.


Ready to Play

Awhile back a couple of friends were playing a show at some music store. Both of them had their own sets along with some other people who were also there to perform. Shots like this make me miss my tamron lens. It stopped working over two years ago for no reason and been stuck with the kit lens since. It’s tragic.


Swear Jar

Seen Luke Cage? I have, but the swear jar, gag as I would call it get to me. Hopefully this sells well. and I also decided to make it in the style of the shows title.


Long Beach Zombiefest

I am mentioning this pretty late. I don’t see myself available for this, but looks like it could be entertaining. The last day is the same day as the Hollywood Zombie Walk which I will be at, but don’t like that stop you form also joining its 3 day event. October 14-16 with DJs, Performers, GoGos, Spark Grinders.

Sounds pretty good to me.