Avatar Movie
I have to say this is a movie I have to see, I was watching or reading somewhere that James Cameron wrote this along time ago but was told her couldn’t make it because we didn’t have the technology at time for a movie like this can be make. Then after seeing the last 3 Star Wars movies and Lord of the Rings he figured its time to start making it. The movie comes out next month so can’t wait.
if you haven’t heard of it yet check out the trailers here
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Okay, now for the not so good parts. As others have stated, the storyline/plot is a little lacking. I had trouble understanding the motivations of many of the characters. Ah, yes, character development – that would have been nice, too. Don’t expect any. Yes, it’s a recycled and re-used plot: clichéd and often predictable. It seems reminiscent of many great classics, my favorite being “Star Wars.” Now I’ll be the first to admit that the mythical structure of “Star Wars” was not completely original, but at least it seemed Lucas “made it his own” (to quote American Idol?) with his original characters and unique setting. “Avatar” is practically plagiarism (one line in particular made me want to shout “THE FORCE!” in the middle of the movie). Also- we get practically no character background at all, so we have no idea what makes these people tick (perhaps there would have been more if the edited version wasn’t already a staggering 2 hrs 40 min.). Instead, we get one-dimensional, stock characters that had me rolling my eyes underneath my uncomfortable and overpriced 3D glasses. Lastly, the film is doused with lessons in morality from Mr. Cameron; it is a blatant criticism of US foreign policy. Not everyone will pick up on this, which I understand, since most of us want mindless entertainment at the movies. But upon closer review, I don’t see how some people cannot see it. One of the “evil” characters actually says: “We’ll fight terror with terror!” (Though mind you, they are attacking a planet filled with peaceful inhabitants who have never attacked them, for the simple quest of obtaining a precious metal called…unobtainium…::rolls eyes again::) Now I don’t mind a little political satire here and there, but it seems misplaced in what is seemingly intended as a mindlessly entertaining popcorn flick.
Avatar should be named the best movie ever.