Category: Drawings


How about that Duggar Kid?

I’m sure many of you have heard the story. But yeah, I tried drawing him by hand, and then using live trace, then adding the little fixes but I was becoming to annoyed with that so I left it where it was at. Then added the beating it.


Misanthropy Pride

Sometimes, friends of yours give you interesting ideas. Now and then there is always a news story about some people doing something that sucks entirely and a person can’t help but to lose faith in our own species because of it. Then it gets to a point you just find yourself hating mankind altogether. But sometimes you want to have some fun with it.


When dealing with creepers.

It’s a problem I occasional hear about in the cosplay community. When people goto cons, that want to enjoy themselves, get some attention and to try promoting themselves. But then you have those guys that come in and have an intent thats rather more messed up. I’ve seen a video once where a guy had a go-pro camera on his chest and would record himself hugging some of the female cosplayers. After that video came out a lot of people were talking about beating the person up and at entire time I kept talking about how there is a better way to solve the problem and have a nice laugh at it. I just wish more people would listen to me.


Dear Anti-Vax Folk. Please shut up!

You have no idea how much of a problem you are causing. And the excuses made on why there is a measles outbreak right now is insanely stupid. I’ve seen someone make claim that it’s going around because, “Illegals are coming in from Mexico and they being bussed around the country.” I remember that story from last year, what was happening was there were kids that were coming to the US from other Central American nations trying to escape conflict going on in the area. Yes, many were sick but as I read the story it sounded like they were being taken to other hospitals so they can get treatment. Sadly, one claim at the time of what was being brought in by the refuges was ebola, which as I suspected was a compete lie. What further kills that argument is in 2013 there was also another measles outbreak that happened that was centered around a north Texas church.

Two friends of mine have a son, not even a year old yet and to young to get his measles vaccination, had some kind of rash on him that was being problematic. Test results come in and was confirmed to be measles. Now, you would hope most people would read this comic to understand why we should get our shots, but, there are far to many idiots around so what can you do?

Sadly, anti-vaccination campaigns are nothing new.


Grinch Jong Un

And here is it finished. The plan was to photoshop Un’s head onto the Grinch’s body, so I first drew him out, traced, modified, placed in the screen shot and did final editing touches. I like it.


Kim Jong Um

So I’m sure most people have been hearing about the movie Sony decided not to release because of possible threats made to movie theaters around the US that might play it. About the assassination of current North Korean leader, Kim Jong Um. I can’t believe how much a baby that guy is. So another friend asked if anyone can do a nice little photoshop of him and I’m starting off with a drawing. Adjustments will be made to better fit the final product but here it is so far.


Get behind me!

I’ve heard this expression at least a handful of times and I never really understood it. All I could think of was, “are you trying to protect him or something?” People are weird.



For the little project with a friend of mine. We realized how the arms didn’t work out do she sent me another photo to work with, but using the same head and legs as before.


Robin Williams

When it comes to the death of a person I tend not to feel much about it. Yet when I learned about the death of Robin Williams I actually found myself kind of sad. Possibly because I’ve always felt entertained by him growing up. Some of the things that have been bothering me about his death is first of all, the claims made on why he did so when I must ask, how do you know? And the news telling us how he did it. I don’t want to know this.

One issue talked about in his death was a possible depression he was suffering from and as we all know, Robin Williams always seemed like a fun and entertaining guy and made effort to make others feel better about themselves. Yet it is known that many people who act in such a way may be hiding something inside and are worried about the reaction everyone else will give. I can confirm this because I had the same problem through much of my life and it still lingers in me to this day. Yet, I do want people to know this about me, that I am damaged and I’m not sure I will ever get out of what is wrong with me. My reasoning why I want others to know is because in a way it’s therapeutic.

To me it’s also important my friends know this, that why I feel I’m being honest and that in some way I also feel I’m keeping them safe. But if you feel there is something wrong with you psychologically, don’t be afraid to let it out. And I really need to get myself to draw more.