Category: Video


Night 2 of DragonCon ’23

Just another short video from day 2. Figured it would be nice to see this to get an idea of what going when it’s really bumping. And it goes well into the night since...


DragonCon – Cowboys and Chickens

Just a couple of different videos of some the shenanigans that happen during DragonCon. I honestly believe LA cons, or at least the cosplayers here can learn from them in their pure whackiness. Anyways,...


Night 0 of DragonCon ’23

After two or three different takes I got some video to put online of what was going on before DragonCon officially started. Just a short description of what’s going on and a look around....


Loaf to Lump

I know, I haven’t been posting much, because I don’t really have much content at all. Not much is happening right now, other than Dragoncon coming up at the end of the month. Anyways,...


Universal Protest – Video

Short video I got while at the, very large protest at Universal today. I of course also got photos but will start editing them tomorrow. And if you listen carefully, you’ll hear the voice...


Paramount Picket

Yesterday I was at the Paramount lot to take part of the WGA and SAG/AFTRA strike. Took some photos and will be coming online soon. But as this is going on, there are some...


Venice Neptune Parade ’23 

Video I recorded to the beach from last weekend. I look forward to next year. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dan (@thesteelshark)


AX ’23 Protesters

I said what I said in this video, and it’s entirely true. I’m sure I said this on here on before, and I know I’ve told a lot of my friends I used to...


LA Pride ’23 – Line Dancing

Posted this video on my instagram and tiktok from LA Pride, not sure what kind of dancing they are doing because I don’t dance, I thrash. Then I got some comments telling this is...


Jimmy Olsen

During LA Pride last week I came across this guy going as Lieutenant Jim Dangle from Reno 911 and he gave me a citation for being Superman’s friend, Jimmy Olsen. If only we had...