It’s Exhausting
Like, I’ve been saying the main trump support base is a cult, and I base this off of my time trolling scientology and some people in other cults, for fun. I learned about this stuff for a reason, which if I catch on to someone I know getting caught up with any of these kind of groups I can catch some of the early warning signs and let them know. Saying something like “yo, I think you might be getting into in a bad situation. Talk to me so I can figure things out and to make sure you are safe.”
Now I think it’s important to know the warning signs that you might be in a cult. But two in particular is master is never wrong, nor should they be questioned. Another is the vast amount of hatred they feel to news media, believing they should only report positive stories on the group and everyone else is evil and needs to be killed off. Here is an example of anything can be brushed off no matter how much proof you have. Because I’ve always remembered seeing comments after the 2008 election claiming fraud. McCain was not a strong opponent and I’m sure he knew he wasn’t going to won.
Fast forward to 2016, Ted Cruz beats him in the Iowa caucuses, and trump cries fraud. Jackass here says the link I posted was fake, I post the tweet proving he said it. Then I was blocked, but not before I could get this screen shot. Like I said, sign of a cult, and they proved they are in one. What’s worse is trump’s lies have got people killed or risked lives. Currently there are officials in Springfield, Ohio getting bomb threats because they spoke out about trump lying about Haitians eating pets. And how this lie started was because of a video before of an american born person having some kind of mental crisis supposedly eating a cat. No Haitians involved! The only reason they are saying this is to later justify hate crimes. And the bomb threat thing tracks because another supporter sent some in the mail before.