LA Fit Expo ’23 – Day 2
And now the conclusion for Fit Expo, some more photos from the event, and products to help promote. Drinks and powders like 3E Energy, Muscle Tech, and Reign. Then there are other food products like PBFit, CBDfx, Food for Life, Vegan Strong, Think! Nuttzo, Fun Sesames.
And last other products like Dr Bradley’s who makes a pain serum. Wish I used a little bit of that from where I am still hurting. Blue Mist Wellness who makes products to help relax you. Frozent Towels, which are meant to go in your freezer and helps with recovery. Slush Ropes, which are kind of like a typical jump rope, but you don’t really jump, it’s more about keeping a flow busting up your arms. Zumba Wear, where I did try on a pair of their shoes, because everyone needs a good pair of walking or running shoes and they did feel nice. And last EPulse Massage, who makes a really powerful massage gun, like, wow I really felt that.
Lots of good stuff here I think everyone should check out. Now I’m going to lay down and put something cold on myself because I am miserably in pain still.