Politicon ’16 – Photos
Well, in what started in Hollywood, I got to Pasadena a bit later then I wanted to. Mainly because I took a couple of wrong turns going to the convention center after getting off the gold line. Well, at least I was there in time to see the Bill Nye panel that I totally wanted to check out because he was one of the coolest people I knew of as a kid. I wanted to get a photo with him but was rushed out. But at least another friend there got to sneak in a selfie.
Wandered around some, took some photos of the art gallery, met with people at their booths, played on a giant game board called, The Road to DC. Rolled a giant di, answer a question, and if you got it right, move another space up. Ate some Trump balls, from is it funny or offensive? And checked out some other stuff before heading back to hollywood to get anything else I could left of the culture fest.
The next day, Got there once again later then I wanted due to unexpected delays. Had a uterus temporally tattooed on me by Lady Parts Justice. I also saw some of Sarah Palin’s speech, though I think she is insane, it was still kind of exciting to see her. The Founding Fathers had a panel, that ended in hilarity, which there is video coming of. Also had Roseanne Walk by me, and got a quick photo in.
I also went to see Vicente Fox, former Mexican president speak. He had a lot to say about Trump, called him ignorant and mentioned how he should not be president because he believes he will have no idea what he is doing. Fox also mentioned that if Trump wants to run for president he should run for other offices first and Fox stated that he was a business man like Trump, but was first in congress, then a governor, and last became president. What he learned from when he was previously, believes it’s what helped him better understand how to run a nation. Realistically, I would say he is right. Al Madrigal was also there with Fox him during that panel to. I got a photo with him. Made me happy because I enjoyed watching him on The Daily Show.
One thing that surprised me was how many election related apps there are. One person I talked to said their is like tinder. Can’t remember who said that so here are the ones I talked to. Election Science… Ok, I can’t find any of my stuff from the others. Crap. Well, I saw the SeePolitical guys again, they are promoting something called a, ballot convention, to help inform people on upcoming measures in the state. No date as of now but aiming for October at LA City Hall. And last, Bloody Marys, who makes underwear with the faces of elected officials who vote against women’s reproductive rights printed on. See for yourself.
It was a good two days, happiness.