Return of the Curl
Photos from Ru Paul’s DragCon, taken by my friend Andrew. The rest of his shots from DragCon can be found on his facebook page. So after I came back to the con for the second day, I enjoyed the curls in my hair so much I went to the DNA Hair Tools booth and asked if it can be done again. And yes I am again promoting them because the dude did it for me, for free! But anyways, this time my friend decided to take photo, which was a nice change up. Because video doesn’t get the details as well as stills.
After I did have people ask me about it and let them know where to go. Part of me wishes I got the curler, but then again there is a very, very low possibility I would use it much as at all. Plus I do plan on cutting my hair again sometime during the there would be a very long time period of not using it at all. Maybe another time.