Ru Paul’s Dragcon ’16
EDIT: Both posts are combined.
Day 1: Well, that was slightly crazier then I expected. I walked around the exhibit hall taking photos, and now and then you would hear an announcement over the speakers in what sounds like Ru Pauls voice. One I remember was about someones van with a personal plate on it, and asking to move it or their car will be keyed. Yeah, that would cause me to run faster, but it was so funny to hear. There was a panel for genderbendering in comics and cosplay a friend was in. Checked that out and after it was over went to cover more of the event. I don’t have much experience in hanging around drag queens, but a lot of them seemed really tall, and were really funny. Then again, drag is a form of entertainment I believe is meant to impress and humor.
Day 2: Also the last day. Not open as long (as it always is for cons) but still got a lot of nice stuff. But I also got a lot of cards from people and never really say much about any of them, so here goes.
I got a signed photo from a Robin Slonina from the show Skin Wars. Haven’t seen it so now I think I will. Something from Crown Jewels Entertainment, with a promocode, dragcon, for 10% first booking. Wigs by vanity, with a coupon code, dragcon2016, 20% off your next ÜberRiah (not sure what that is but i’m guessing a type of wig). AssTricks Apparel. Arda Wigs, and for 10% your next wig use code, ardadragcon2016. Met some people form the show Transcendent. Yummy Corsents. Sharon Sharealikewho does boobs for queens and drag skins. and got to see a nice little performance form Deven Greenwho did a mash up of a metallica song on something else on what looked like an electric ukulele. I am also just learning she plays Betty Bowers. I hugged her to, that makes me so happy. I know I got some more stuff from others, but seems to of lost track or not enough info for a site I can share.
Oh, I hope to join this again next year.