Tagged: dog


Is that Bacon?

You know, I always thought Golden Retrievers were pretty chill dogs. All of them I’ve seen have been very likable.


Rest now Shrimp…

I got back home mid-afternoon I found that my dog had died. He may of been a pain in the ass but it was sad seeing the shape he was in due to his very old age. Born sometime in November 1994 this Mini-Long Hair Dachshund loved to play fetch. He didn’t care about what you threw, he just wanted to chase after and bring it back and bark at you to make you throw the object again. The amazing part was how fast he could run and did these funny little hops. even in his old age he would love to play fetch and would sometimes bring strange, yet harmless objects he would find on the ground and try to get you to throw it. As he got really old I noticed his hearing was going along with his sight, also like most dachshunds he had back problems and had some trouble with his hind legs.

I was also noticing he seemed to be having some pain so he was taken to the vet and given some medication to help on it and it seemed to be working even though he was still having trouble with his hind legs. Last thing I did with him was put him outside and pet him a little before I took off and when I get back thats when I found him. nearly 17 and a half years this dog lasted, Most dogs don’t reach that age, let alone a dachshund. I called him shrimp because he was so small yet also so long like the crustacean.


Walk the Dog

Sorry I took so long to update. I was out all night and took off again in the morning so lots of stuff coming including something really cool, if i can find it first. any who this weeks winner is Andrew with…

This fairy is out for blood.

This week, something seems wrong with this dog, you tell me. whats the story?

CityLimits goes to the Dogs 0

CityLimits goes to the Dogs

a video i made with some buddies that meant to be one thing and become something else altogether. I wanted to put in the first part because it is still highly entertaining and i think more people should be fun like this.



so this week had 2 captions to me that stood out most, and had a lot of trouble figuring it out, but I will go with Michelle with…

My nose job hurts.

but just because i can I’ll also post max’s My brain hurts from trying to think of something that hurts.

yeah, I have been very lazy about posting lately, got a lot going on again. I’m I have some good stuff ready to post, just need to remind myself to do that.

and now this weeks, look at this cute little doggy, I saw it in downtown and was like “I want to say bulldog but I’ve never seen one like this.” french bulldog… now the question is, what does it want?


“I have just met you, and I love you”

I swear, the dog looks like Dug from the movie UP. I was at a friends birthday party this week and ended up getting this shot while there.

but anywho this weeks winner is Max with…

My first time at a nude beach. I’m so nervous! Well, here goes nothing!

he even posted a photoshoping just for fun, wasn’t looking for one but oh well. it cracked me up.

and now this week, what’s up with this? other than using something from the movie or connected to it

Dog/Wolf 0


alright, i tend not to know what to draw clothing wise when i’m drawing something out, so i tend to do shirt and pants like this guy here. i’m still trying to figure out a main style for predatory mammals.