Tagged: expo


E3 Expo ’13 Photos

Ok, here is the story. For a while I’ve always said, “one year I’m going to E3.” and being to lazy I didn’t do anything I didn’t and last year I said I will goto the next one. Once again, knowing it was coming up I found myself to lazy to do anything. Then after seeing some of the stuff going on during day 0 and 1, I decided to head down and see if I could check it out. Mainly because I knew some friends of mine would be there and figured I could also hang with them at least, I had nothing going on. So I got there, took some photos outside and went in some to check on a few things but weren’t in that long because some people were roaming around asking for passes. So some took of, others stayed to see what they could do, I did something different. I was sitting outside and I wrote on my iPad “my I have your pass?” and maybe around 5 minutes later a guy come up to me and said “come here real quick, I have an extra I can give you.” Victory. Once inside again I entered the south exhibit hall of the convention center and roamed around for about and hour and a half or 2, played a little bit of Diablo 3 on the console, then when to the western hall and walked the area shortly to get an idea of whats there. Soon after I went back to my place but I think I took off a little to early.

So since my pass was going to still be good for the next day I headed back down the next morning because once again, nothing going on. Went in and like the day before played some games but this time did some more. Found a friend of mine working the booth for Snail USA promoting the game Black Gold Online. Gave me a shirt, mouse pad (which I really needed) and a fan. Neat. saw some of the stuff for the massive Nintendo booth which I would of liked to play stuff on but there was always a line and set ups to have your photo taken. Found an area with some old arcade games and played a bit of Mortal Kombat 2. It’s been so long. Outside the convention center was the Namco booth with a bunch of Pacman games which another friend of mine was working so when some of my other friends gone back to the area I went out just before and we all spent time together. Spent time outside being strange and such then we all went in to behave even more strangely, because we can.

What was also nice was much of the convention center had free wifi throughout the place with the help of the nice people at Square Enix to promote the game Final Fantasy XIV which I very likely won’t play anyways but figured would be nice to mention. Spent some of that time online posting a few things on my personal facebook page. you know maybe I should of done that to with my Steel Shark page and the Twitter page. Hope I remember next time. The whole event really wasn’t as exciting as I had expected, I was hoping to see more cosplayers and take more photos but not a lot of opportunity come.

But over all I’m glad I finally got to crash E3

iTwinkle Booth @ AX 0

iTwinkle Booth @ AX

A video I did at anime Expo that I noticed I have have not posted on the site here.


LA Santa Con ’12

So the day started like any other and… no not really. I was on my way to the first stop in Culver City Taking the Expo Line over in order to meet with the santas at two very near by locations just down the street and have breakfast. One Location was the The Culver Hotel and the other was the Rush Street Cafe. I found a near by Chipotle and ate there, and some other santas did the same thing. So after about maybe an hour and a half we gathered up and jumped on the Expo Line to head to our next location. Expo Park. The main place of Interest was the Science Center where the santas would get to see the Space Shuttle that I saw going up Crenshaw 2 months before. While many were looking at the shuttle others where either in the front taking part of the group shoot or in back playing around the Fountain in the Rose Garden.

After we were done with Expo Park we started heading off to our next place of interest in Downtown at the Westin Bonaventure were we partied it out more on the outdoor patio area and had a Punk Band play Christmas songs for us. Mosh Pit in all. After the Bonaventure we headed towards Hollywood and took the Red Line to Hollywood and Vine and walked over to 3 different spots, Velvet Margarita, District 13, and where I was around most during that time, St. Felix and we hung around other places in between. After that it was my time to head home. Hopped on the subway and made my way.

and as they say, nothing better then hanging with Santa all day


Comikaze ’12 – Day 2

So here they are, photos from the second and last day, took more this time around. How the day started off this time was I went up to the press booth and let them know that I had emailed them a few times asking about getting a press or pro pass but never heard from them. So they asked me a few questions and if I had a card just to make sure I was legit and got what I was after. Now, a long with taking more photos I really roamed around the exhibit hall a lot more and talked to the artists, actors, writers, vendors and such.

For example I saw The League of S.T.E.A.M. guys again from when I saw them at Comic Con in which I still haven’t seen the videos on the site but I should because it has one of the writers from Batman Beyond and Justice League, and I enjoyed those shows a lot. I also ran into someone I knew in Moorpark awhile back in the artist ally, selling some of her drawings and such which I’m not sure I’ve seen any of her work before till last weekend. I would say it’s all good. And there was Steven E. Gordon whose done work on X-Men: Evolution and long with a few other shows and movies I liked only to later find out he worked on a lot more stuff I liked. And lot of good art on his site along with some neat drawing tricks. And last I found this booth with fossils and replica of different animals like a Smilodon skull and Megalodon Tooth to help promote Jurassic Con and the Cooper Center Paleontology Lab. Come on, I like that kind of stuff to.

You know what, I had a lot more fun then I expected I would.


Comikaze ’12 – Day 1

So the day started off heading down the convention center with a couple of friends of mine ready to cause some mayhem. It was rather hot out to. So we get in line and for our passes. I was going to ask them about a problem I was having in which that I emailed them asking about the possibility of getting some kind of press or professional pass and never heard from anyone, but then I had someone come up to me saying they had a bunch of extra tickets and gave me one of them so I used that for the day. Mainly what I did was take photos of people and talked to those I was hanging with. Wasn’t exactly a big con but then again it is still relatively new so it very much has room to grow.

Sundays photos will be up late tonight or tomorrow.

Back from Comikaze 0

Back from Comikaze

So about two months ago a friend of mine invited me to join in on on the 2nd Comikaze expo here in LA and I figured, “why not, sounds like fun.” The event was for only two days, Saturday and Sunday and it was was fun. Not a lot of people but I found it to be rather interactive between fans, artists and the guest celebrities. They also had this zombie Apocalypse Obstacle course set up that I didn’t do but heard was fun. Anywho, here is some video for that while I edit my photos.

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE from Comikaze Expo on Vimeo.

Pedobear – Furry and I Know It 0

Pedobear – Furry and I Know It

A video made by a friend of mine as a parody of the LMFAO song “Sexy and I Know It”. You see me in it, and I helped out holding the little speakers playing the music that everyone was dancing to, but I was off camera during that. This was done during Anime Expo and I have been waiting for over a month to see it and now it is online so check it out. Also I can’t wait for some news station to start talking about this video, you have no idea how hard I will be laughing if they do. I know they used one of my videos for two different stories before. And before anyone starts saying “oh, that guy’s a pedo!” no he’s not, He just has a strange sense of humor like me and he makes comedic costumes.