Tagged: Photos


Rally to Restore Sanity Photos

Alright, here they are, not a whole lot to say but was fun. check them out. EDIT: story on Huffington Post with my photos on it, how awesome is that? Lets get this party...

Rally to Restore Sanity LA 0

Rally to Restore Sanity LA

Yes, I was there saturday, it was great. got lots of photos. I should post them up sometime tomorrow. I have the photos edited and ready to put up, just not the page to go on yet. And I have to get myself ready for tonight also for yet another photo event I’ll be at.

I’m just keeping everyone updated on what’s going on incase anyone new from the rally is wondering what’s going on.

so for now here is some video of the Trill the World Flash mob soon after


IAS Raid ’10

Yeah, lots of scientology related posts going on. Some new photos from last protest saturday, they had a nice little party we once again crashed. The best moments were when I said something about scientology stalking people, and one guy said he’s been in for 35 years and never seen anything like that. what is he, blind? and another guy saying they set a good example, oh really now?

Lets get this party started


The Haunted Complex

No, not really haunted, but there have been some deaths that happened at the building now known as PAC Base belonging to Scientology. Before they bought it the building was a hospital, so you know people died there before. But the last death that I know of is was from a Scientologist by the name Uwe Stuckenbrock back in 2008. We had some new people join us, and a new handler that got his ass handed to him by most of us.

Careful of what lurks in the overcast


Hide your Wallets

alright, for this week the caption is from Will with…

I’d definitely ctrl+z getting in that cargo crate

yeah, I would think you would get thrown around hiding in one

so the last scientology protest that went on last week was rather small. an fact these are the 3 photos I got from that, thats it. oh well. but you see the sing that says “Dianetics Event Parking.” my question for the week, what’s happens at these, “Dianetics Events”? remember, be funny


The Museum of Jurassic Technology

So I was talking to a friend of mine that is finding himself very board likely and wanted someone to hang with because everyone seems to be up to something else. I was free at the time so we decided to adventure some. I told me about is place called The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Culver City. It is a very strange yet slightly interesting place. Likely won’t go again but it’s a place you want to see at least once.

It’s an educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic.


Riding the Blades

I have a video ready to put up, i really do, i just suck at uploading them. during this weekend. also wordpress is being a total pain in the ass when it comes to uploading some photos, getting a lot errors a lot lately.

anywho, this weeks winner is Max with

Irony: “Absolute Chaos” written in absolutely the most non-chaotic way.

now this week, you tell me…


In Memoriam of the Beast

So sadly last week I lost my older cat, Fred, she was 19 years of age and a legend of her time. Born sometime in late may 1991, she was the runt of her litter. As she grew up Fred showed a lot of intelligence and proved herself to be a great huntress. I was given so many presents, murder presents. Not much could get away from her, no, bird, rodent, or lizard around was safe. Fast enough to chase down squirrels, powerful enough to take down crows, this cat was relentless. Quite something for the runt of her litter.

Yet at the same time she was very sweet, she liked people a lot, more so if you had food on you. She often liked to sleep on a persons lap or right next to them. She would also come up to me at times, and start rubbing her head on me, it was always weird feeling a tooth go across my face as she was did that, but at least you knew how she felt about you.

As time went on she lost the dog she spent the first 3 and a half years of her life with, that dog did a good job in protecting her when she did. Later in july ’04 the cat she had also spent her life with had died, and went in a depression. Soon after she started hanging around the other cat we also had more often, a cat she did not like at first when we first bought her home, Fred even refused to eat from the same plate as her. Also in 2000 my sister had a baby, Fred really wasn’t sure of what to make of this new being, just run away as she came up to her. over time she was warming up to the kid and found herself liking her, likely because she was a warm body.

But in the last few months we had noticed she was slowly loosing weight and having some trouble walking, had age finally caught up to her? I did everything i could to help her, soon enough she could not walk very far on her own and needed help standing up. But then on August 26th, just before 5, she had fallen. Fred was at home with me, I held her as she did as i tried to save her.

In the end I’m proud of her, she fought on and proved that even the little guy can be a force of true power. I learned a lot from this cat just by watching her, and i will miss her. Now, you must honor Fred by having a bag of chips, she loved doritos most.

now behold the BEAST in her glory


Secret Stairs

this week was kind of week, I expected more really, not much more but I did. but this week would be Kris with…

And if you view the photo through this filter, it reveals the inner tortured souls of those whose careers ended in the adaptation of Stephanie Meyer novels.

so I’m working on yet ANOTHER gallery system, this time I have something that kind of works for me like I would want it to… unfortunately I have to work on it MANUALLY because I could not find a little more automatic one that worked to my liking. now to work on the rest of them, 2 down so far.

but over all it might encourage me to post more random crap that i get from now and then, I got some of some really cool looking bull dogs and a chick dressed as lady gaga in downtown the other day. don’t worry I’ll post them up. I gave them my card so they’ll get to see the photos sometime soon hopefully. I just have to sort through for the time.

and now this weeks photo, what could be down here?


Celebrity Centre: Gala Crashing ’10

not much in photos, but its what I have. found myself talking to some scientologist most of the time. here is some of what I was talking about.

alright, i got there a little late and then found AO. he had a few scientologist call him a thief because he had some balloons on him. I can confirm he did not steal them, some other guy had them and he asked if he can buy them. really not sure why he wanted them but not sure if he really bought them or the guy just gave them to him.

then found myself talking to a few scientologist for a good while, mostly with shakey hands. I still don’t know his real name. they told me about a lot of other special interest groups like the drug companies, FBI, and CIA. I did tell them “you know one company that you accuse of making mind altering drugs? Pfizer? they also make viagra.”

CIA, isn’t that an spy agency? mainly about getting info. and FBI, federal law enforcement, I think it’s funny how everyone that complains about the FBI are those that think they are above the law. I know they did some ass kicking to the KKK back during the civil rights moment, and arrested those Hutaree nut jobs that plotted to kill police officers. scientology’s justification has always been “they were told lies about us, those people were all suppressive,” or “they planted evidence” which is it? It’s sad how every origination that gets in trouble for illegal activities believe to can do so because they feel they are above everyone else.

no scientology, you guys fucked up, and did the crap you did for selfish reasons. remember, an FBI agent is also responsible for taking down the Nixon Administration, these people are just doing there jobs. which comes to something else, something they told me about is how they are just there trying to help people, I noted to them that cool and all, nothing wrong with that. but, I believe they are “helping” for all the wrong reasons, only just to spread scientology.

Also I was told they have taken far meaner opponents, like the US government, no really, accusing them of being an enemy because of the “lies” they were told. I told them how funny that is because of how they make an effort to get in good graces with elected official and such, just like Jim Jones did. then they go on and say they are nothing like peoples temple…

I get asked why I harass them, I ask about what they did to a list of people (mark, tory, barb, etc.) and CAN was on that list. they claim “oh, it started off for noble reasons then started attacking religion all together.” I remember being told by another it was started by psychotic criminals, which is it? but anywho I came across info that CAN was in fact right about a number of groups, but only wrong with scientology? considering the behavior I have seen on a number of occasions, CAN was right.

they also accused psychiatry of hitler and 9/11, saying they are drugging everyone to create chaos in the world… Hitler was a man that truly believed the jews and anyone else not fitting were all evil, thats what he really believed. and with islamic extremist, you know why they have suicide bombers? you do know these groups pay their family a crap load of money if they do that right? also they are told they will be martyrs and get 72 virgins. also told me about bin laden being drugged by his psychiatrist, Zawahiri, the guys a surgeon.

I also talked about disconnection to some of the scientologist and told them about the CNN interview Tommy Davis did 2 years ago saying there is no disconnection at all, but we also have audio from Larry Anderson telling him everyone will have to do just that with him if he leaves. Told me he doesn’t even know who tommy davis is, anyone find that hard to believe?

talked about Epic Sword Guy some, in fact we joked about him a little to. I also told them I felt the security dude was in his right by shooting him (I still see it as self defense) but they also found it hard to believe he was a scientologist and that he was in fact part of a case against a UCLA professor back in the 90’s. He even had Moxon for his lawyer.

told them a number of things about how hubbard was proven to be a liar, and that if he lied about his achievements of being a doctor, war hero, educator and such, what makes you think he was telling the truth about anything else?

also shown them my copy of the order to make the bomb threats for freakout, and I believe the hand written part might be from hubbard himself. they found it hard to believe and I let them know I think the threats “we made” were from them just trying to pull off some old tricks again.

Welcome to the party