Fresh Meat Expo Bout: The Jawbreakers vs. Hell-Raising Heathers
And now Photos are online and story time.
A few days ago while on facebook I found myself upon a summons. Someone had made a post looking for a photographer for a roller derby event because they didn’t have anyone else available and I was tagged by a friend in the comments. I talked to the person shortly to get more info on each other and we set a time and place to meet up and head over. Now I have been to a game before but at the time was unable to bring my camera in so it was nice to be able to this time around. Now it did get dark relatively soon after the game started but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I believe I got some nice shots out of it despite the low light and high speeds these girls were moving going at. Over all, I had fun and what I liked most out of it is the fact they hit each other pretty hard but still have a lot of respect of each other.
I hope to do that again sometime.