Tagged: photo


I am not an Abomination!

alright, this week was better, I’m happy. but like every week I have to pick one caption I like the most, and this weeks winner is Jenn with…

I was the stunt double in MIB. Now I’m back to my natural hair color.

Yes, I don’t have much at all to say for this story, so you tell me… these guys are having an interesting conversation about something, what could it be about?


Secret Stairs

this week was kind of week, I expected more really, not much more but I did. but this week would be Kris with…

And if you view the photo through this filter, it reveals the inner tortured souls of those whose careers ended in the adaptation of Stephanie Meyer novels.

so I’m working on yet ANOTHER gallery system, this time I have something that kind of works for me like I would want it to… unfortunately I have to work on it MANUALLY because I could not find a little more automatic one that worked to my liking. now to work on the rest of them, 2 down so far.

but over all it might encourage me to post more random crap that i get from now and then, I got some of some really cool looking bull dogs and a chick dressed as lady gaga in downtown the other day. don’t worry I’ll post them up. I gave them my card so they’ll get to see the photos sometime soon hopefully. I just have to sort through for the time.

and now this weeks photo, what could be down here?


The Blood Tears I Cry

alright, so this week I have to pick the new winner, and once again it is Jenn with…

*tour guide* And over here you can see the plumes of smoke of what remains of the Church of Scientology, now that Dan is through with them. Do not provoke his wrath.

now I do not promote vandalism or arson but I very much like the wrath part, it fits me, all will know my rage…

anywho this weeks photo, was in woodland hills a few weeks ago and noticed this, why are they crying? and there is one caption I very much see coming, I just want to know who posts it first.


I’m such a pretty bird

alright, after two weeks of having this photo up because I was gone last week during Anime Expo which was entertaining, but wish I took more photos. I pick this week winner, Mike with…

You can’t deny my awesome!

because that would freak a person out having that screamed at them

now for this week, this bird is looking at it’s trainer for something, what can it be? what does the bird want? whats up with that?


Tell me a story

so a while back at my college I came into this situation with a few girls in interesting outfits dancing around in this one area of the school. so I did what anyone else would, take some photos, and this one in particular has a story to it, hence the title. and yes the dress is in part made from trashbags

and now to business. this weeks winner is… Onichi with

Hell no, i am not jumping in. I can see where the chemical colored urine is

i saw that and thought right away that new movie coming out Grown Ups at the end of the trailer. do pools really do that?

anywho, I want to know what is the story behind this? and don’t make it to long


“I have just met you, and I love you”

I swear, the dog looks like Dug from the movie UP. I was at a friends birthday party this week and ended up getting this shot while there.

but anywho this weeks winner is Max with…

My first time at a nude beach. I’m so nervous! Well, here goes nothing!

he even posted a photoshoping just for fun, wasn’t looking for one but oh well. it cracked me up.

and now this week, what’s up with this? other than using something from the movie or connected to it


Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

this week come out good, but my favorite this time goes to Jenn with…

This new vacuum cleaner isn’t getting the sex stain out…

now thats what I call thinking outside of the box. now for this week, what is this guy doing wrong to have a cop talking to him?


This is the Beast…

and this is what she did to the last person that messed with me… muahahahaha…

so this weeks winner is Onichi with

It was that faithful day that we all came to find out just how hard headed the mayor actually was, when the crane arm knocked it off him.

now a pic of my other kitty (yes, I have two black cats) what is she thinking?


Caption 4.2.10

this weeks winner is Jenn with

(2010 auditions for insurance mascots)

slow week this week, or the photos are hard to think of something good for?


Caption 3.19.10

this weeks winner is Heather with

And if we just slice this artery here, like so…..it will be a quick and painless death…

penis related things were just to expected, now this weeks