Monthly Archive: October 2017


Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con ’17

Really, that name is quite a mouthful. But I still call it Comikaze, because that’s what it was originally called, and helps distinct from other comic cons. Anywho, this party is coming up next week, and can’t wait for it.


Trying to Hard

I want to start off by saying I am an American, this is not just my homeland, but I also have ancestry here. I am part Native American. Now, does that make me more American then most other people? No, it just means that is part of my ethnic background. Even though I am an American, I don’t use that to limit what I enjoy. For example, I there are some non-american movies I’ve watched, along with TV shows, music I listen to, video games, and even foods from around the world. Why? because I can, and there are no rules saying what I can or can’t like that doesn’t really hurt anyone at all. Hell, as I’m typing this up I’m listening to Swedish Death Metal.

Far to often I find people trying way to hard, by showing off how many flags they have, dressing up the part, and crying about other cultures invading and wiping them out. When no one is actually doing that. Most people that come to the US assimilate anyways, I know this, I’ve seen it for myself.


War On the Holidays

For so many years I would always hear about this so called war on christmas, which from what I can find started on Fox News. Because saying happy holidays is so offensive. Well, as Michael Che said, all holidays matter, as part of something Trump said during a recent speech.

Meanwhile a few years ago I remember some talk about replacing Halloween, likely my favorite holiday, with something lame called Jesusween. Now, it’s really been awhile since I really heard any talk about it but is still insanely stupid. Interesting how the people crying about some kind of fake war against one holiday are going to war with a completely different one.


LA Zombie Walk ’17 – Photos

Well, that was a lot of fun once again. But despite that, there was fewer people this year. I wonder why? Anywho, the adventure went much like every year, we started in North Hollywood, took the Red Line to Hollywood and Highland, walked to Vine, and back. Plenty of scares, screams and freaked out people. I can just hope there will be more people next year. I really don’t want this to die.


Tiny Panther

It’s friday the 13th, and to you know what that means. A photo of one of my old cats. I gave her this big ham bone and i watched her have at it. It was awesome.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi 0

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I would say the last thing I”m looking forward to till the end of the year, and the best part is the other things I’m looking forward to before then. Two other movies, and at least 5 other events. Despite the political weirdness that kept happening, so far this has been a good year.