DTLA Proud Festival ’24

I didn’t expect this to happen but a friend hooked me up with a pass for this event. I was just there for saturday. The reason I couldn’t make sunday is because I was in recent contact with someone that currently has covid. I tested yesterday morning and was negative, but still informed anyone I talked to there I could get a hold of just in case. So just to be safe I stayed home. But anyways, I’ll test again later in the week, but I do suggest taking a test when you can if we came across each other.

Anyways, I got there in the afternoon, it was a small event taking place in a couple of parking lots. There were vendors, food, drinks, a little pool, a big water slide, music and other performances. But I also remember talking to one guy there, he thanked me for showing my support to the queer community, and said they need more allies. But the thing is, I honestly believe we need them. Because I believe the queer community makes our lives better.

They make so much of an effort to try taking care of themselves, and they teach us some of their methods. Make us feel good about ourselves, encourage us to have fun, I never felt shamed by them for who I am, and sometimes even connect us to potential partners. And I do all that back for them any chance I get, along with taking part of the long fight where they have the same rights as I do. I often tell people I was homophobic as a kid and it entirely had to do with what I was led to believe. Those beliefs completely went out the window after the death of Matthew Shepherd.

I always remember when Prop 8 was on the ballot in 2008 here in California. I was there fighting for marriage equality. And I know I was supportive of it before because I remember a post I made on some message board in 2004 basically saying I don’t understand why two men or women getting married to each other is a problem. And as I mentioned before on this post, I believe the queer community makes our lives better; I do believe my life has vastly improved since becoming an ally. I feel better about myself, and I’ve become so much more active which has been good for my mental health. And I do like when a gay dude tells me I’m pretty.

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