Warcraft – Dark Iron Tech Tree

Hello, and welcome back to my little fan series, Warcraft 3: the vastly expanded amount of new game play goodies involving new tech trees for the game, how I imagine they would look like if the story of World of Warcraft kept going as a strategy game instead of an MMO. When I first started making these concepts for this project, I was using the WoW Model Viewer, but it’s been having issues on my computer so I’ve also been using the Dressing Room feature on WoWHead. Pretty much I’m using model files from WoW to put together the visuals I have in mind, but if anything like this was to be made there would be some other modifications to match the visual style of Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Human | Dwarf | Gnome | Draenei | WorgenOrc | Tauren | Troll | Forsaken | Blood Elf | Goblin
Kul Tiran | Dark Iron | Mechagnome | Allied SubZandalari | Nightborne | Mag’har | Horde Sub
Scourge | Legion | Naga | Old Gods | TwilightPandaren | Tuskarr | Dracthyr | Mawsworn

Today I’m presenting the Dark Iron Dwarves. Dwarves were first seen in Warcraft 2, their role was expanded in the third game, and further, along with their lore in WoW. Now there are three main clans, the Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron. The Dark Iron was made to be kind of an evil clan because of corruption, but over time they ended up being an important part of the Alliance. When I was putting this tree together I pretty much wanted it to be a mirror of what I already made for the Dwarf tree.


Starting things off, the worker unit, the Miner will pretty much be the same, just with a texture change. Next are the combat units. They are pretty much the same as the other tree, but once again with some texture change. Starting with the Mountaineer. She will have the same armor, but in a different color. Next is the Rifleman. Now there was no Rifleman on the Dwarf concept page, but I’m using the armor used by the Mountaineers in WoW, and it’s just being worn by a Dark Iron, just to give some idea of what it would look like. I would use the same model as what’s in Warcraft 3, just with a modified texture. And last of the combat group is the Shield Breaker. It will still be mounted, but the armor I gave it is the Dark Iron heritage set.

Shield Breaker

Next group are the casters. Once again, they all have the same armor, but being worn by a Dark Iron. Starting with the Shaman, it will be like the other version. Next is the Priest, same deal going on. And last, the Magus. They will all be like the other Dwarf counterpart, down to even using the same abilities. After all, I’m pretty much treating this as a reskin. It’s entirely what I had in mind when I was putting all this together.


Now for the siege unit, like what is already seen in the Human tech tree in game, will be the Siege Engines. there would be some modifications. After all there are more versions seen in WoW to choose form. And last the flying unit, which will be a Gryphon Rider.

And last, the hero units. These units will have very different armor from the Dwarf counterparts form the other tree. Starting with the Mountain King. It will be like the version already in game. Next is the Huntsman, a ranged combat hero. The temporally name Paladin, might call it the Lightforger like on the other tree. And last the Bishop just to keep up with the theme as before.

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