No Pants Metro Ride ’15 Photos
That, was a good day. I was the ride captain for the Culver City group riding on the expo line. Basically my job was to help people get their passes, to make sure they get on the train, and answer any questions they had. I had a pretty big group with me so that was fun. After we all got on the train we then went to Union Station were all groups from each line converged. After being there for a half hour it was time to start heading to the red line for the final leg of our journey to Hollywood where we flooded the street with our pantsless glory. We then went to near by bar along hollywood blvd, Loaded, and had ourselves a nice little after party. By the time I left most of the people inside had their pants on.
While on my way back home I found a few other people waiting for the train back that had already repantsed by then, and so did I.
I have to say, that was a good first event for the new camera.