Category: News


Anime Expo – Resignation Open

Tickets went on sale today, and I very much plan to go again. My first convention and still one I enjoy because of how much is going on and the vest number of people....


Before You Worry

I went to urgent care today because of a pain I’ve been having just under one of my dude boobs before the weekend. So if you saw me during Fit Expo, I was driving...


Caved to CC

I first started using photoshop and later other Adobe, and some Macromedia programs (before Adobe bought them) in the late 90’s, back when I was still a kid. I got my first copy of...


Small but Mighty

This is a solid state drive, 500 gig to be exact. The reason I have it is to play some games, like World of Warcraft. My computer has built in something called a fusion...



This day has been coming for a long time. Nearly three years to be exact. I didn’t want to update my OS for the reason of using photoshop and such, because then I would...


No Drugs Here

A happy childhood memory we should all have is going out on Halloween every year and getting candy. I remember doing that and would get as much as I can. Then eat as much...


Dragon Con ’22

I am so excited to say this, again, but next week I’ll be flying to Atlanta for DragonCon. As I’ve told other people this will be my first out of state convention. I’m getting...


Christmas In July ’22

Coming this saturday is a summer version of Santacon. From the event page. Greetings and Summer Salutations Santas, Thank you for making last year’s SantaCon a fun, safe, and successful event! It was most...



So I’m going to have a problem. Now, I’m not going to run out of space to upload files, but I’m going to run out of number of files I can have on my...


That’s a Negative

Been awhile since I last tested, but figured it was time anyways. Feel a little more free again, but going to keep myself in a little longer just to be safe for everyone else....