Caption Contest 1.22.10
I like to thank the everyone that posted for my first one last week, I think it was a nice start. but now I must say the winner is… Onichi with…
“What? You thought the Tin Man was the only one without a heart?”
good job, now here is this weeks photo. I hope to see more posts during the week.
What?? The Viking Hippie’s pregnant?!
Image of an un-American freedom-hating God-hating communist murdering an unborn child! Filthy fag baby-killers like this one will feel God’s wrath and burn in Hell for eternity!
Who’s ready for more fresh stem cells?!
“The Pleasentville Homeowner’s Association was unimpressed with Dave’s proposal to reduce prenatal clinic operating costs.”
Day 67: My cover is still solid here in the commune, none of these stinking, drug addled hippies have noticed that my medallion is really a mercedes-benz symbol, just upside down. once i sacrifice the commie fetus to the God of Capitalism, this commune will be rent asunder and all who live here will beome stockbrokers!
Republican Pro-Life advertisements seem to have been more lack-luster as of late, often showing confusing, half-assed images that perplex “The Every-Man.”