Train ride in Russia, again and again…
LOL, UDO song. but yes, I was on the train when i took the photo below.
anywho, this week by default is Rose with…
“So, there I was, I tell ya…left in the rubble to die, you see…they thought I was dead, but I wasn’t…never saw the plane coming, but WHAM! No one would help me so I crawled-out myself. Some little punk ass bitch yelled, ‘ZOMBIE’…the nerve!”
anywho, are the photos I’m posting to hard? well this might be harder. This looks like it could be some kind of origination, but what is their greater goal? come on people, I know you can post something good.
This made me imagine “chaos” from the sprite comic “8-bit theater” drinking “Absolut”. XD
Train ride in Russia? I don’t get it…
i was on the train when i took photo, also see the youtube link at the begining of the post
Irony: “Absolute Chaos” written in absolutely the most non-chaotic way.
Someone in Russia actually paid to have a portion of the Berlin Wall transported to their community…