Warcraft – Zandalari Tech Tree
Welcome back to my own little personal series; the Warcraft 3 expansion that could have happened if World of Warcraft went on as a strategy game instead of an MMO. That and people at Blizzard totally had the time, money, and lack of sanity to make all those levels and story, and create more playable races with, hopefully workable tech trees. Then again I’m sure working on MMOs is far more draining. Anyways, these concepts were made by using the Dressing Room page on WoWHead, making use of WoW models.
Human | Dwarf | Gnome | Draenei | Worgen | Orc | Tauren | Troll | Forsaken | Blood Elf | Goblin |
Kul Tiran | Dark Iron | Mechagnome | Alliance Sub | Zandalari | Nightborne | Mag’har | Horde Sub |
Scourge | Legion | Naga | Old Gods | Twilight | Mawsworn | Pandaren | Tuskarr | Dracthyr | Broken | Vrykul |
Today is the Zandalari Trolls, first seen in the original version of WoW, but at the time were using in game troll models that had already existed. Guess they didn’t have much plans to have any kind of different look to them. Overtime there were different versions then with the Mists Of Pandaria expansion the males got their own original model files. Then with Battle for Azeroth the models became updated once again where they were make into an Allied Race in game. They along with the Ku Tiran’s I would consider the two main Allied Races who were included for this expansion. As for the rest of the Allied Races, it will take some time to finish them because I still don’t have a whole lot of an idea what all their tech trees will look like. I few I have nothing for anyways.
Anyways, before I get things started I pretty much want to match these units with the Troll tree I created before as much as possible, while also maintaining some kind of balance. Now to start things off with the worker unit, the Craftsman. I decided the outfit it should wear would be the heritage armor given to them in game, Minus the head and shoulder pieces. It will be like any other worker unit, collect gold, lumber, construct and repair building.
The next set are the combat units. Starting with the tier 1, the Watcher. It will be a lot like the version on the Troll tree. Next is the Archer, taking the place of the Headhunter. Other than the style of attack nothing much will be different. Then there is the Raptor Rider as the their 3 unit. And last will be the Triceratops Rider, which will act something like the Kodo Beast with the Orc tree, but can also damage melee units who attack it. As of now don’t a look for the rider, but that I’m sure will happen someday.
The next set are the caster units. Starting off with the Witch Doctor, which will be like the version already seen in Warcraft 3. Next is the Priest, which for now is a temporary name. Then the Mage, which also, temporary name will I can get a new, better one in mind. And last the Druid, I’m not sure what kind of abilities it will happen, but might be something like what is seen with the druids in the Night Elf tree.
Now for the siege and flying units. The siege will be a Zandalari style Ballista, which is already in game. And last the flying unit, the Pterrordax Rider. It will be their version of the Bat Rider. Plus it fits the theme of them having access to Dinosaurs.
And finally, the last batch, the Hero units. Starting off with the High Priestess. I’m pretty much basing the idea of her off of Queen Talanji, but wanted to give a different armor set. Next up is the Arch Druid, which I have in mind to be something like the Keeper of the Grove in the Night Elf tree. Then there is the currently named Paladin. The idea is based on the Raid boss Ra’wani Kanae during the Battle of Dazar’alor, but with different armor. Shadow Hunter, which will be like the version already seen in Warcraft 3, on the Orc tree.