Warcraft – Mechagnome Tech Tree
Hey everyone, just want to say it’s time for the next part of my little on going series, Warcraft IV: the strategy version of the game World of Warcraft in the style of Warcraft 3, based on how I imagine the tech trees would look like in game. I put my concepts together using model files from WoW with the help of the WoW Model Viewer and the Dressing Room feature on WoWHead.
Human | Dwarf | Gnome | Draenei | Worgen | Orc | Tauren | Troll | Forsaken | Blood Elf | Goblin |
Kul Tiran | Dark Iron | Mechagnome | Alliance Sub | Zandalari | Nightborne | Mag’har | Horde Sub |
Scourge | Legion | Naga | Old Gods | Twilight | Mawsworn | Pandaren | Tuskarr | Dracthyr | Broken | Vrykul |
Today is the Mechagnomes. An Allied race first seen in the Battle for Azeroth, after a later in game patch came out. The story behind them is there is a group of Gnomes who wanted to be mechanical again, on their own little island. But the king ended up going crazy and wants to make everyone a machine. As the in game players, you are helping his son to overthrow him to prevent bigger messes from happening, and in the game, they join in to help save the world, again, for the millionth time.
Starting things off is the worker, known as the Engineer. Now before I go further, I had an issue trying to figure out what the Mechagnomes were going to look like suing the in game models, entirely because of the arm and leg pieces. So some weird improvisation had to be done so things didn’t look as weird. And for the most part the tech tree for the Mechagnomes will be a mirror of the tree I already made for the Gnomes. Also some of the Mechagnomes have weird looking eye and ear parts, that could change.
Moving on to the combat units, starting with the tier 1, the Trooper. Just a regular combat unit. Next up is the Zapper, which is using the same armor as the Trooper, which is likely to charge. It’s just there isn’t a lot to choose form for these kind of characters that doesn’t look wonky or plastered on. Last for the combat units will be a change from he Spider Tank on the Gnome tree and will be a melee units more like the Tauren on the Orc tree already in game, and they will be roughly as powerful as each other. The Gnomebot.
Next up are the caster units. Now there I enjoyed putting together a little more, and I’m very happy about the fact robes cover their legs in game. Otherwise it looks like they are wearing some kind of bathing suit. Starting with the Mage, temp name. Likely be something like the Sorceress on the Human tree. Next up, I’m either going with the name, Priest or Medic. I haven’t decided yet, but will act as a healing unit. Last is the Warlock, also temp name.
Now for the last of the main groups. First up of them, the siege unit which will be something like the Siege Engine already in game. But more Mechagnome style. And last the flying unit, known as the Aerial Unit. Yes, that’s the name I’m going with, baed on one of the in game mobs/mounts. I felt this was appropriate because when you are on Mechagon Island sometimes you see them flying around.
And finally, the hero units. They will all be like their counterparts on the Gnome tree that I already made before. Starting off with the Battlemaster, which will be something like the Goblin Alchemist already in Warcraft 3, but with some different abilities. It will be based on King Mechagon, who is already in WoW. Next is the Tecnomage, which will be like the Goblin Tinker, with the back piece currently shown there acting as a place holder for what would actually be there. Then is the Thief, pretty much being a rouge like unit. But the face cover in place won’t be there. The only reason it is here is because that’s part of the model file for the head piece. And last the Inventor, a ranged combat unit that can summon mechanical pets. Anyways, that is for the day, hope you all are enjoying this.